As anybody who is a Facebook friend of mine already knows, I've been supporting this as a cause. You can join up here
Do spread the blog love too.
Basically Worldchanging is a brilliant source of information and inspiration and we all need to dig deep to keep it that way. If we can crowd source enough pledges of $10 a month, a donor has pledged to give them another $100,000. Do read the letter which Alex posted today and think about getting behind this. These are good people and they wouldn't ask if they didn't need. Plus I am a big fan of the crowd-funding model as quite possibly the replacement for alienated & speculative shareholding.
Dear readers, friends, allies,
I'm writing this letter because you are the most amazing community any group of writers could hope to be engaged with. Many of you have been with this project since we started. Some of you have only just discovered us. But all of you know that Worldchanging is something special.
You don't need to be told about the awards, the rave reviews, the impact in the media, or the testimonials from famous people. You already know what we do here - shine the light on new ways of thinking that just might save the planet - and you know we do it as well as anyone in the world.
Humanity needs a bright green future, a future that transforms our collapsing system through innovation, creativity and caring, and finds a new path towards democracy, peace and a sustainable prosperity that can be shared by all.
That future is not a pipe dream. That future is the last best hope of humanity. Seeking that future is what we do every day.
If Worldchanging was alone in seeking that future, things would be grim indeed. But we're not. We're part of an evolving ecosystem of thinkers, teachers, scientists, business people, journalists, designers, social entrepreneurs and public servants who are learning from each other as rapidly as possible how to thrive in the 21st century.
We're just one part of that ecosystem, but you've told us again and again that we're an essential part.
We are also an endangered part. We've been a very entrepreneurial nonprofit, finding ways to raise most of our money through writing and speaking. We've also kept our standards consistently high, eschewing press release journalism in favor of thoughtful, independent writing and never allowing advertisers to influence our content in any way. Precisely because of these things, we have found ourselves particularly vulnerable in this downturn.
I believe that the world needs Worldchanging now more than ever; that in times like these, good ideas are not a luxury, they're vital. If you agree, we need your help.
This is not like your average pledge drive. We have big plans for the next two years, including two more books, a revamped site and editorial plans for exploring the new generation of solutions with passion and intelligence. But I can tell you, honestly, that without your support, those plans will not come to pass. We won't disappear, but we'll have to scale back dramatically at the very moment when we're most needed.
As you know, we have one chance to do the amazing work we've planned: a huge fan of Worldchanging has put up $100,000 dollars as a challenge to our readers. If, with your help, we meet that challenge, we will fill enough of our budget gap to proceed with boldness. This is a one-time opportunity to show that you care, for real, about building a better future.
So, please ask yourself how much value you've gotten from the work we do on Worldchanging, and how what you've read has improved your ideas, lifted your spirit, or inspired your work.
And then please figure out the most you could normally afford... and double it. The need is real. The opportunity is big. You are absolutely vital.
Here is our secure donations site:https://secure.groundspring.org/dn/index.php?aid=12328
Thank you so much.
PS: If you've already given, please consider turning your gift into a recurring donation. Then ask your colleagues and friends.
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