In advance of the likely protests against globalisation/banking/capitalism in general the Observer reports that "There are growing fears for the safety of people making their way to work on 1 and 2 April. A spokesman for the London Chamber of Commerce said: "Businesses might want to consider asking their staff not to dress in a suit and tie as a lot of the protesters say they're going to target bankers." To help city workers with their wardrobe choices lets take suggestions on alternative workwear. A balaclava perhaps? Or a natty protest t-shirt.
1 comment:
There is a strange thing happen within media whipping up a sort of paranoia about the protests next week. We will have to see but the organising groups include oxfam, the trades unions, CND and climate camp whose largely peaceful and tricksterish activities have previously been focused on Heathrow and Kingsnorth. In the news view a facebook group with 1000 members and calling for unprecedented action is somehow being billed as a bunch of brick and firebomb wielding anarchists when honestly the people you meet in the circles are much more of the ghandhi-esque non violent resistance school. True there are some anarchist pamphlets too and some genuine ill feeling, anger even towards the bankers who screwed up our future public finances with their skimming and scheming and their refusal to say sorry or bear any personal financial consequences. But I am starting to think the real story is the one told by Naomi Klein in the shock doctrine, of a paranoid administration ushering in an orwellian age of surveillance and civil illiberty in the name of law, order and managing the crises of economy, environment and so on Or maybe it is just the messengers, the media that act as a kind of collective agent of hysteria on the basis that anything that brings readers and viewers is news.
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