Wednesday 16 May 2007

PSFK Conference Green Panel

For anyone who doesnt know & isnt already coming I am speaking on the green panel of this link

My panel is moderated by Karen (she of the ethical index), and is worth the entry price of the whole conference for the other three speakers; the ever inspiring D from Clownfish, Tamara Giltsoff the guru of service systems thinking is over from NYC (check her many brilliant posts at Treehugger) and Santiago Gowland, global director of CSR at Unilever. I'm honestly flattered to be in conversation with this group and from our first pre-chats on the phone its going to be a fascinating session.

I'm afraid I cant get you freebie tickets as Piers is putting this together on a shoestring as it is. Plus lets face it you get more insights and fresh examples from PSFK for free every month than you used to get from all those expensive trend reports your company bought in a year. But if you are also interested in life2.0, this is an incredibly packed conference with a great line up: Russell Davies, Ian Tait, Johnny from Anomoly, Jess from Contagious, the Jeremy responsible for all those genius ideas at Penguin. If there were an unfortunate disaster movie style calamity, the quality of planning blogging would probably never recover.

I will have handed in my final manuscript the night before, so I will be buying a few rounds in the bar later too :J

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