Asi who many of you will know as a fellow blogger/all round nice bloke brought this to my attention (as I think he worked on it or certainly his agency did). Here's what he wrote: As you know all too well, as it stands, the bill is not strong enough. It’s vital that we include carbon emissions from international aviation and shipping – the fastest growing sources of emissions – in this target. At the moment, the government plans to exclude these emissions, but this just doesn’t make sense. Excluding them is a bit like going on a diet but not counting the calories from chocolate!.... So we plan to build a massive paper boat and paper plane, put all the names of the people who signed the petition on the boat/plan, and then deliver them to the Houses of Parliament. As you can expect there's hardly any budget (we're doing it virtually for free) and we hassle every fellow blogger whom we think could help us make some noise.....
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