Thursday 31 May 2007

New Green Brand Survey

Conducted by YouGov for Marketing Week, full report 30th May edition

Q. Ignore any of your other opinions about the brand, company or its products, and think only about its attitude towards the environment. Which of the following brands do you view as trying their best to be environmentally friendly and which are environmentally unfriendly?

Q, Which of the following brands do you view as being the most environmentally friendly and the most environmentally unfriendly?

Probably the main thing to notice is the position of the airlines. This really is crunch time for that industry; they are the new Exxon/4x4 according to this data. The UK aviation industry is about to make an announcement of what they are doing about climate change issues, fronted by Branson apparently.

1 comment:

Charles Edward Frith said...

The other big one creeping up the charts is Pampers. Nappies or Diapers are surely in for an uphill ride.