Sunday 20 May 2007

21 Worldchanging Principles in 21 Days

A great series of insights and principles for a sustianable world at Worldchanging: "Worldchanging is in the process of making some very exciting changes. We have new plans for our editorial content, as well as for the site design, and we'll be rolling it all out pretty soon. As we're going through this transition, we've had an opportunity to look across our archive at the themes and ideas we've developed over time, and to pull out some key elements that, to us, illuminate the changing nature of sustainability in the 21st century."

We're up to number 11.

If you havent seen it Alex Steffan at TED is an absolute classic too here


Charles Edward Frith said...

The roundabout that pumps water is inspirational.

Charles Edward Frith said...

In the TED talk if that didn't make sense :)

John Grant said...

That and the landmine detecting flowers

But what I most love is his point that we simply dont know what its going to look like; and that as an example of that dense bright green cities use less cars and energy than 'back to nature' idylls
